However, for all its flaws, I loved Diablo Diablo 4 Gold Immortal more than I hated it. It's got all the aspects that make the series enjoyable, from its action-packed gameplay, through its infinite customization of characters in addition to its exceptional feeling of setting, as well as its constant stream of new and interesting loot. Actually, Diablo Immortal even has some interesting gameplay twists that I'm hoping Blizzard keeps in place in Diablo IV.
If you feared that F2P mechanics would undermine Diablo Immortal Then your fears were justifiable. But if you hoped that Blizzard would provide a decent mobile spinoff in order to fill the gap between the next big installment in the series, then you were not in vain. Check out our complete Diablo Immortal review.
The controls here are slightly different depending the game's platform, PC or mobile devices, but the basic concept is the same. You'll grab a quest in the town, go out into the wild, and click or tap incessantly to fight your enemies, sometimes trigger special abilities, or sipping the healing potion. Combat isn't particularly deep however it's enjoyable and requires a little tactical planning, particularly when you're besieged by a horde of demons, and need to balance special ability cooldowns and a limited potency.
Diablo Immortal's gameplay fundamentals are, essentially, the same as the one you've played in the previous three Diablo games. Because Diablo is a mobile game in the main, it's actions seem less precise, character development seems to be less precise, and there's a general sense that the game provides plenty of room to adjust to the touch controls. This isn't necessarily a bad thing however, since the difficulty will increase over time.
As you would expect from Diablo it's also possible to collect loot as you go -- lots of loot. Every enemy you encounter will drop some kind of magic weapon or piece of armor and you'll find yourself constantly swapping out gear to improve your skills while you play. Whatever you don't need you can get rid of, and this is among Diablo Immortal's most impressive features. Instead of selling off equipment that cheap Diablo IV Gold isn't needed, you can scrap it into parts and put those parts to help you build your equipment that you would like to keep. This gives you a steady sense of growth, and allows you to plan long-term character strategies around certain important pieces of equipment.